Become a Sponsor

Sponsorship of WordCamp Calgary is one of the best ways to promote your company or organization to a community of engaged and passionate WordPress users. Local sponsorship is also a fantastic way to show your support for the growing WordPress community in Calgary and build name recognition.

Sponsorship Levels and Benefits

Wordcamp Sponsor Table

You’ll also get:

Special sponsor badges to wear at the event.
And the ability to proudly announce to your customers that you’re a proud supporter of the WordPress community in Calgary.

What we need from you

If you’re interested in sponsoring WordCamp Calgary, fill out the form below, and email your logo to

Please note:

If your brand represents a software product, it must be GPL friendly. If you or your company deals in WordPress-derivative works (plugins, themes, etc), those must be 100% GPL (not split license) or compatible, the same guidelines followed on Sponsors may apply but will not be guaranteed speaking spots. Funds must be received before announcing sponsorships. Sponsors must honor all media deadlines.